A Glimpse of the 60th Anniversary Celebration

Last S.Y. 2014-2015, Canossa School celebrated its 60th Anniversary and we launched the“Search for the 2014 St. Magdalene of Canossa Alumni Awards”. The purpose of selecting the St. Magdalene of Canossa Alumni Awards is to recognize graduates of Canossa School, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna for their outstanding professional, academic, or research achievements, as well as those who contributed their time, talent and efforts in improving the quality of education in Canossa School City of Santa Rosa, Laguna. It is also intended to distinguish alumni who made significant contributions inspecific advocacies or endeavors to make their local or larger community a better place to live in. The awarding was done last December 07, 2014.

The Structure of Awards is as follows:

A. SMC Alumni Award for Community Service – is given to any CS-SRL graduate who dedicated himself/herself for the cause of those in need and community service exemplifying the Canossian values of charity, humility, simplicity and justice.

B. SMC Alumni Award for Academic and/or Professional Leadership – is intended to honor a CS-SRL graduate for demonstrating moral integrity and proficiency in the practice of one’s profession in education, medicine, business or entrepreneurship, industry practice, corporate governance, etc. and those who have distinguished themselves through professional accomplishments, thus bringing pride and honor to his/her alma mater.

C. SMC Alumni Award for Outstanding Service to his/her Alma Mater – is bestowed to any CS-SRL alumni whose remarkable service or contribution to his/her alma mater has positively influenced the life and career of the CS-SRL students, the stakeholders, his/her fellow alumni or to the institution itself.

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