Who We Are?


“Charity is the flame that spreads and seeks to embrace all”

Canossa School opened its doors on June 14, 1954, they completed the first group of Canossian Sisters in the Philippines. This first community was composed of: M. Carolina Colombo, the Superior, M. Anna Bautista, M. Miriam Tavecchio, the school principal, M. Cecilia Pereira, M. Zita Bereta, M. Teresina Cantu, the kindergarten teachers and with 4 lay teachers namely: Ms. Ida Tiongco, Ms. Eufrocina Custodio, Salome Sanchez, Dolores Rodriguez and Mrs. Agulto. The school was named in honor of their foundress St. Magdalene of Canossa whose main goal in the educational and pastoral work as to fulfill the mission, “to make Christ known that He may be loved.”


Welcoming Arch


At the center of the circle is the HEART, which symbolizes the unique Canossian formative approach in education, that is the promotion of the holistic and harmonious growth of the person with special attention to the Formation of the Heart, a mission so dear to its Foundress, St. Magdalene of Canossa. The FIGURES OF BOYS AND GIRLS inside the heart represent the levels of the educational process being carried out by the school community – Pre-school, Grade School and High School which are co-educational. They also symbolize the commitment to be Sharer of God’s Love in solidarity with preferential option for the beloved poor of St. Magdalene. The FLAME is the universal symbol for education and the Canossian Charism of Charity that seeks to embrace all. It also signifies the vocation of every Canossian to be the Light of the World, Salt of the Earth and Witness of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. The CROSS and the LILY, which are prominently figured at the center, are symbols of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother Mary, our models par excellence of a life lived in humility and fulfilment of God’s plan. Canossian spirituality is both Christ-centered and Marian. The HEART and FLAME are symbols of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Patron of the Canossian Sisters in the Philippine Province. The LAUREL LEAVES along the outer circle symbolize the hopeful expectation of success in every human endeavour. The seal expresses the unified Vision-Mission of the four schools: S.M.A.R.T. Canossian with the Heart.

Our Mission

Guided by the Spirit of Jesus Crucified and inspired by St. Magdalene of Canossa and rooted in Filipino traditions and Catholic identity, we commit ourselves to nurture learners through an education centered on the formation of the heart that listens, thinks, discerns, and shares.


Our Vision

                Canossa School in the City of Santa Rosa is a nurturing community of learners who develop the fullest capacity of their hearts for the service of the family, community, the church, nation, and Mother Earth.

S.M.A.R.T. Canossian with the Heart Graduate Attributes

- Shares of God’s Love
- Man and Woman of Faith
- Academically Competent Learner
- Responsible Agent of Social Transformation
- True Brother and Sister to the Poor
- Canossian with the Heart

Our Core Values




